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Project title: Al/Be/Cl in the Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core: A multi-method investigation of post- depositional changes and their implications for radiometric dating
There are ongoing international efforts to drill and retrieve an ice core from Antarctica (Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core) that will cover the enigmatic Mid-Pleistocene Transition.
This project aims to provide unique constraints on the interpretation of the climate signals obtained from the ice core. As part of this PhD project, the successful candidate will produce high-resolution 2D elemental maps of chemical impurities in the ice using laser ablation “time-of-flight” ICP-MS, focusing on the novel analytes Al and Cl. The PhD student will also prepare samples for cosmogenic radionuclide analyses (10Be/26Al/36Cl). Taken together, these results will be used to study the effects of element migration and mineral formation/dissolution on climate records obtained from deep ice cores. This will contribute to a better understanding and interpretation of ice core climate records, which are urgently needed to achieve the goals of Oldest Ice.


You will

  • develop a method for the laser ablation ICP-TOF-MS measurement of Cl, Al, Be on ice
  • conduct LA-ICP-TOF-MS measurements of artificial and real ice
  • perform method tests for cosmogenic radionuclide sample preparation
  • prepare cosmogenic radionuclide samples
  • interpret, present and publish your results


  • MSc (or equivalent) in Geosciences, Chemistry or Physics or a related field
  • Strong background in (geo-)chemistry
  • Strong analytical skills and demonstrated, relevant laboratory experience
  • Prior experience in ice core analysis and dating, laser ablation applications and ICPMS advantageous
  • Good communication skills in English, both oral and written

Further Information
For any questions you may have, you are very welcome to get in touch with Pascal Bohleber (+49(471)4831-1508; pascal.bohleber@awi.de) or Florian Adolphi (+49(471)4831-1008; florian.adolphi@awi.de).
This position is limited to 3 years. The expected starting date is 1st December 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The salary will be paid in accordance with the Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the Federation (Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes, TVöD Bund), up to salary level 13 (66%). The place of employment will be Bremerhaven.
All doctoral candidates will be members of AWI's postgraduate program POLMAR or another graduate school and thus benefit from a comprehensive training program and extensive support measures.
The AWI is characterized by

  • our scientific success - excellent research
  • collaboration and cooperation - intra-institute, national and international, interdisciplinary
  • opportunities to develop - on the job and towards other positions
  • an international environment - everyday contact with people from all over the world
  • flexible working hours
  • health promotion and company fitness
  • support services and a culture of reconciling work and family
  • occupational pension provision (VBL)

AWI values diversity and actively promotes gender parity, as well as an open, inclusive environment that provides equal opportunities. We are convinced that diverse teams and a variety of perspectives enrich our work and our daily collaboration. In a continuous process of learning and reflection, we aim to ensure that all our employees can be themselves and feel a sense of belonging. We welcome applications from qualified people regardless of binary and non-binary genders, nationality, ethnic and social background, religion, age, physical abilities, neurodivergence, sexual orientation, and other identities.
Applicants with disabilities will be given preference when equal qualifications are present.
AWI fosters work-family compatibility in various ways and has received several awards as a result of this commitment. Our Family Office will be happy to support you - even before you start at AWI.
We look forward to your application!
Please submit your application, including (1) a letter of motivation, (2) a CV and copies of relevant certificates (master’s degree; training), (3) two letters of recommendation or the contact information of two references, by 30th August 2024.
Electronic applications only.
Interviews will take place probably between 23th September and 18th October 2024.
Reference number: 24/114/G/INSPIRES-b

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Vollzeit, Unbefristet

Veröffentlicht am 23.08.2024

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