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Coordinator for Communications

Coordinator for Communications

Do you enjoy working in an international context and are you interested in intercultural issues? Become part of our team as our new Coordinator for Communications.

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) is an ecclesiastical corporation under public law in Germany. The global office is located in Hannover.
The Communication Coordinator is an integral part of the General Secretary’s office. As such, her/his role is to give expression to and ensure the implementation of the General Secretary’s responsibility to communicate the WCRC effectively to its members and to the world.
Through communication tools including virtual (website, social media, email, WhatsApp) and physical (printed publications and resources), the Communication Coordinator will enhance a greater sense of communion among members, strengthen bonds with ecumenical partners, and raise awareness of the WCRC to the world.
Arbeitgeber: Weltgemeinschaft Reformierter Kirchen
Stellenart: Position for College Graduates, Position in Management
Arbeitsfeld: Administration / Support / Organisation
Stellenumfang: Full-Time Job
Befristung: 30.09.2027
Arbeitsort: Knochenhauerstraße 42, 30159 Hannover
Eintrittsdatum: 01\. Oktober 2024
Bewerbungsfrist: 15\. Juli 2024

Job Description

The Communication Coordinator will build and maintain a network of communication professionals to support this work, as well as strengthen communication flows through the regional bodies of the WCRC.
The holder of this position has both management and administrative responsibilities, ensuring that the WCRC’s communication strategy is implemented through both coordination and hands-on work.
In addition to your commitment, you will be responsible for:
for detailed description see: wcrc.ch/jobs

  • To support the WCRC’s fundraising strategies and efforts.
  • To perform other duties as required or assigned by the General Secretary.


for detailed description see: wcrc.ch/jobs

We Offer

We offer you:

  • a salary in accordance with pay group E12 DVO/EKD based on the TVöD/Bund;
  • a fixed-term employment contract from 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2027 with 100% employment (average 39 hours per week) and a chance for extension;
  • Participation as a team member in the 2025 General Council in Thailand;
  • 30 days vacation;
  • an attractive location in the center of Hannover, the capital of Lower Saxony;
  • flexible working hours within flexitime;
  • mobile working by arrangement;
  • a varied job and a good working atmosphere.

We welcome applications from people of all nationalities. English language skills are required.
Please send your application by 15 July 2024 by email to: gs@wcrc.eu


Weltgemeinschaft Reformierter Kirchen
Knochenhauerstrasse 42
30159 Hannover

gs@wcrc.eu 051189738310


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Coordinator for Communications

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Veröffentlicht am 02.07.2024

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